1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
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Hampden I X2973 crashed in the North Sea off the Frisian Islands on
The aircraft belonged to RAF 144 Sqn. Coastal Command and was coded PL-?
T/O Hemswell OP: Merseburg.
The aircraft was heard sending distress calls and is believed to have crashed
into the sea 20 miles north of Terschellingen.
The body of Pilot Sgt John H.
Brown was on 3/12-40 found drifted ashore by Receiver of wrecks Niels Laurids
Christensens in beach area 9, Søgård forstrand near Haurvig and laid to rest in
Nr. Haurvig cemetery on 8/12-1940.
Observer Sgt Robert G.Young, W/Op-Air Gnr. Sgt John A.Ferguson and Air Gnr.
Edward A.G.Rands have no known graves and are commemorated on the Runnymede

Sources : CWGC, Police report, BCL.
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