Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Airwar over Denmark and surrounding waters.

Included are allied aircrafts which crashed in Denmark,
and aircrafts from which crew drifted ashore in Denmark or were helped/rescued by Danes.

Hampden I P1341 crashed Nordenskov 15/1-1942

Hampden I AT194 crashed in the North Sea off the Frisian Islands 24/2-1942

Wellington II Z8410 crashed Neder Holluf 26/2-1942

Wellington II W5423 crashed near Jejsing 26/2-1942 

Hampden I AE246 ditched in the sea of Kattegat near Anholt 29/3-1942

Hudson V AM684 shot down off Hanstholm harbour 5/4-1942

Beaufort I N1172 crashed in the North Sea on 8/4-1942

Manchester I L7463 crashed near Visgårde east of Tinglev 24/4-1942 

Hampden I P5330 crashed Sønderby Bjerge 25/4-1942

Wellington III X3633 crashed near Bevtoft 26/4-1942 

Stirling I W7514 crashed near Kravlund 26/4-1942

Stirling I N3727 crashed in the North Sea on the night of 27-28/4 1942

Wellington III X3716 crashed near Holbøl 29/4-1942

Wellington II Z8521 crash landed near Højer on 29/4-1942

Manchester I L7399 crashed near Lilholt 3/5-1942 

Wellington III Z1564 crashed near the island of Fanø 8/5-1942 

Wellington III X3840 crash landed near Rejsby on 9/5-1942

Manchester I L7489 crashed at Marienborg 9/5-1942 

Wellington II W5574 crashed in the North Sea on 9/5-1942

Hampden I AE288 crashed in the tidal waters east of the island of Mandø 9/5-1942

Hampden I AT224 crashed in the sea south west of the island of Samsø 16/5-1942

Hampden I AD803 crashed in the sea south of Samsø 16/5-1942

Wellington III Z1615 ditched Nakskov Fjord 16/5-1942 

Stirling I N6071 crashed near Lyne on 18/5-1942

Stirling I R9310 crashed in Store Bælt near Asnæs on 18/5 1942

Stirling I R9320 crashed in the Baltic off Rødby on 18/5 1942

Stirling I W7531 shot down by flak at Galsklint on 18/5 1942

Stirling I N3752 ”landed” by Rise near Aabenraa on 18/5 1942

Halifax II BB200 crashed in the North Sea 20/6-1942

Lancaster I R5488 crashed in the North Sea 30 km north west of Esbjerg 4/7-1942

Mosquito IV DK299 crash landed near Rejsby 11/7-1942  Updated 14/7 2024

Wellington II W5397 crashed in the North Sea 14/7-1942

Stirling I W7524 crashed in the sea 5 km to the southeast of Esbjerg on 16/7 1942 

Hampden I AT227 crashed in the North Sea on 19/7-1942

Blenheim IV Z7319 crashed in the North Sea on 22/7-1942

Wellington III BJ670 ditched in the North Sea on 27/7-1942

Wellington III BJ840 crashed in the North Sea on 29/7-1942

Stirling I N6129 shot down in The North Sea west of Romo/Sylt on 29/7 1942

Halifax II W1016 crashed in the North Sea on 10/8-1942 

Stirling I R9162 crashed in Jammerbugt / Skagerak on 11/8 1942

Halifax II W1233 crashed in the North Sea 12/8-1942

Stirling I W7579 crashed in The North Sea off Nymindegab on 14/8 1942

Lancaster I R5616 crashed in the tidal area south of the island of Mandø 17/8-1942

Wellington II Z8538 crashed in the North Sea on 18-19/8-1942  

Stirling I W7618 shot down in the North Sea west of Esbjerg on 19/8 1942

Halifax II W1226 crashed near Sønderborg 19/8-1942

Stirling I W7615 shot down in the Baltic south of the island of Ærø on 20/8 1942

Lancaster I R5741 crashed in the North Sea on 2/9-1942

Stirling I W7634 crashed in the North Sea 1-2/10-1942

Lancaster I R5628 crashed in the North Sea on 10/9-1942

Wellington IC R1588 crashed in the North Sea 14/9-1942

Wellington IC HE116 crashed in the North Sea 14/9-1942

Wellington III BJ693 crashed in the North Sea on 14-15/9 1942

Stirling I R9351 crashed in Store Bælt between the island of Sprogø and Nyborg on 19/9 1942

Wellington III X3815 crashed in Spandet moor on 21/9-1942 

Lancaster I R5905 crash landed near Madum on 24/9-1942

Halifax II W1274 crashed in Elsø moor on 24/9-1942 

Lancaster I W4230 crashed in the sea of Smålandsfarvandet on 24/9-1942

Lancaster I R5909 crashed in the Baltic Sea on 24/9-1942

Lancaster R5679 crashed near Grønhøj on 25/9-1942

Halifax BII DT520 crashed in the sea off Langeland on 1/10-1942

Lancaster I W4187 crashed on Skallingen on 1/10-1942

Stirling I W7613 crashed in the North Sea west of Skallingen on October 2 1942

Wellington IV R1585 crash landed near Hoptrup on 11/10-1942

Stirling I R9190 crashlanded on Sælgrunden near the island of Siø on 11/10 1942 

Wellington III BK341 crashed Ho Bay on 11/10-1942 

Wellington III BJ653 crashed near Lintrup on 13/10-1942 

Wellington V Z1343 crashed Vejle Fjord on 8/11-1942 

Halifax BIII W7924 crashed in the North Sea on 6/12-1942

Stirling I W7635 crashed in the North Sea on 8/12-1942

Lancaster I W4782 crashed near Esbjerg on 8/12-1942

Lancaster I W4786 crashed near Gejlbjerg 17/12-1942

Wellington IC DV892 crashed in the North Sea on 18/12-1942


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