Stirling III BK714 crashed Tarp, Esbjerg 21/4-1943.
The aircraft belonged to RAF 149 Sqn. and was coded OJ-L.
T/o 22:08 Lakenheath. Op: Rostock.
When crossing the Danish coast near Esbjerg the Stirling was caught by search
lights. While trying to escape these BK714 flew too low and suddenly “landed” in
a field in Tarp at 00:20 hours.
When the Stirling hit the ground the nose turret was ripped off and came under
the aircraft killing the observer Sgt Eric Lewis.

Parker, Bert Dowie, George Carter, Eric
Lewis, "Kipper" Herring, Howell
The crew had however been extremely lucky since they had “landed” across the
tank ditches and minefields surrounding Esbjerg airfield. Pilot S/Ldr T. L. Howell,
Navigator Sgt. F. L. Parker, W.Opr. Sgt A. Dowie, Engineer Sgt. G.W. Herring, Mid
upper gunner Pilot Officer G. Winston and rear gunner Sgt. G.A.C. Carter was
made POW`s as soon as they left the aircraft due to having “landed” next to
German soldiers guarding the airfield.

Pilot S/Ldr T. L. Howell

(Andrew Dowie)
W.Opr. Sgt A. Dowie

(Andrew Dowie)
W.Opr. Sgt A. Dowie

(Andrew Dowie)
W.Opr. Sgt A. Dowie

(Andrew Dowie)
Click on image to enlarge (Link will open in a new window)
The crew were taken to the guardroom in the airfield and kept there until they
could be sent to Dulag Luft in Oberursel for interrogation.
From there Howell and Winston were sent to Stalag Luft III Sagan while the rest
were sent to Stalag Luft I Barth and on to Stalag Luft VI Heydekrug.
Later Parker, Herring and Carter were sent to Stalag 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel
while Dowie ended up in Stalag Luft IV Gross Tychow.

(Andrew Dowie)
Observer Sgt Eric Lewis.

Lewis was laid to rest in Fovrfelt cemetery in Esbjerg on 30/4-1943.

“The claim” was awarded II+III./lei.Flak abt.742 and V./2.lei.Flakabt.844 and
Alarmflakbatt. II/XI (L).

(Esbjerg Byarkiv)

(Marco Hansen)

(Marco Hansen)

(Marco Hansen)
Sources: LBUK, Howell, Carter, RL 19/472, CWGC, BE,
The night of 20/21 April 1943
Halifax II JB930 crash landed near Esbjerg
Lancaster III ED620 crashed near Stadil 20/4-1943
Lancaster III ED614 crashed Vester Vedsted
Unknown Lancaster crashed Strandgården farm, Halskov
Stirling III BK714 crashed Tarp, Esbjerg 21/4-1943
Stirling III BF508 crashed in Fænøsund on 21/4 1943
Halifax II DT747 crashed Hjertingvej road in
Sædding, Esbjerg 21/4-1943
Lancaster III ED557 believed crashed Store Bælt
Stirling I R9261 crashed by Kongsmark on 21/41943
Halifax II HR722 crashed Store Bælt off
Drøsselbjerg Klint 21/4-1943
Halifax II HR712 crashed Store Bælt near Slipshavn
Stirling III BF463 crashed in Store Bælt off
Halskov on 21/4 1943
Lancaster III ED818 crashed Vresen Ø 21/4-1943
Stirling III BF506 shot down by Bøgballe on 21/4
Lancaster I W4330 crashed Vestbirk 21/4-1943
Halifax II HR714 crashed in the tidal area off the
island of Mandø 21/4 1943.
Stirling III BK698 shot down over The North Sea on
21/4 1943
Stirling III BF476 crash-landed at Kragelund Fælled
North of Vejle on 21/4 1943
Lancaster ED709 crashed Ringkøbing Fjord 21/4 1943
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