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B 17F 42-3187 crashed the Baltic Sea south of Langeland
The aircraft belonged to USAAF, 8 Air Force, 94 Bomb Group, 410 Bomb Squadron
and was coded GL-?
T/o Rougham. OP: Kiel.
Top turret gunner S/Sgt Charles L. Hale left the aircraft in parachute and was
picked up from the Baltic Sea south of the island of Langeland by a Danish ship.
This had been observed by the Germans and the Danes were commanded to hand him
over. He ended the war as a POW.
On 30/7 the body of Co pilot 2nd Lt Wilson Brown found washed ashore on the
beach of Fuglsbølle Sønderskov on the island of Langeland. He was laid to rest
in Magleby cemetery on 31/7-1943. His body was disinterred in 1948 and today he
rests in USA.
Pilot 2nd Lloyd Weldon, Navigator 2nd Lt Robert Curtis, Radio operator T/Sgt
Willis Rosenberger, Ball gunner S/Sgt Riggie Beadle, Right waist gunner S/Sgt
Harry R. Pyle and Left waist gunner S/Sgt Samuel L. Collins have no known grave
and their names are found on Tablets of the Missing at Cambridge American
Cemetery, Cambridge, England.
Bombardier 2nd Lt Quinton Williams and Rear gunner S/Sgt John S. Gonzales is
believed to rest in USA.
Sources: LBUK, Gunnar Kjær Mortensen, ABMC.
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