Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Lancaster III JB709 crashed into the North Sea 10/4-1944.

The aircraft belonged to RAF 12 Sqn Bomber Command and was coded PH-O.
T/O 21:23 Wickenby. OP: Gardening the Baltic Sea.

JB709 is believed shot down by a night fighter piloted by Oberleutnant Berger of 2/NJG 3 at 04:30 hours and crashed into the North Sea south west of Esbjerg with the loss of all onboard.

Air Gnr. Sgt Henry M. Keates was found washed ashore near Blåvand on 13/4 and was laid to rest in Fovrfelt cemetery in Esbjerg on 15/4-1944.

The rest of the crew have no known graves and are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.
The were Pilot P/O James A. McLean Ross, Flt. Engr Sgt George E. Polden, Navigator F/O George Robinson RCAF, Air Bomber F/O William Quanstrom RCAF, W/Op Sgt Harry Abbott and Air Gnr. P/O John C. Cairns.


                    ( Via Geraldine Chase)



Sources : BE, CWGC, BCL.

On the night of 9/10 April 1944

Lancaster III JB725 crashed near Jellinge 9/4 1944

Lancaster III ND625 crashed Sejrø Bay 10/4 1944

Lancaster III JB600 crashed near Torrild 10/4 1944

Lancaster III ND420 crashed at Brande 10/4 1944

Lancaster III JB734 crashed near Gunderup 10/4-1944

Lancaster BI ME663 crashed Aale 10/4 1944

Lancaster III ND675 crashed near Filskov 10/4 1944

Lancaster III JB709 crashed into the North Sea 10/4-1944

Lancaster I ME688 crashed into the North Sea 10/4-1944



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