Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Halifax III MZ793 crashed at Sdr. Asmindrup 14/2 1945.

The aircraft belonged to RAF 10 Sqn. Bomber Command and was coded ZA-X.
T/o 18:07 Melbourne. OP: Gardening the Baltic and the Kadett Channel.

When MX793 was flying outbound over the island of Sjælland it was attacked by a German Ju 88 G-6 nightfighter coded D5+ZB of I./ NJG 3 piloted by Gruppenkommandeur Major Werner Husemann and with the crew of Bordfunker Hans-Georg Schierholz, Bordschütze Feldwebel Willi Möller and Second Bordfunker Feldwebel Hein Fehmann.

Pilot F/O John Grayshan tried to avoid the attack by means of a port corkscrew and believed to have lost the attacker. Suddenly however the Halifax was attacked from beneath and hit in the port wing where a fire erupted.
The order “bale out” was given, and somehow Tail gunner F/S James Petrie, Mid upper gunner F/S Horace Lesley Mills, Flt. Engr. Sgt Roy Maddock-Lyon, Bomb Aimer P/O Stanley Chaderton and W/OP Sgt Peter Frederick Andrews managed to bail out or were thrown clear of the Halifax when it came apart in the air and landed in their parachutes.

                                          (Via Finn Buch)

At 20:41 hours the Halifax fell to the ground. The main part of the fuselage fell near the old peoples home “Søgaard” between Asmindrup and Ny Kro while the rest of the aircraft was scattered around the area.

                                    (Via Finn Buch)

Five members of the crew

The body of Navigator F/Sgt Albert James Berry was found before midnight and was taken to the hospital in Holbæk while the dead body of F/O John Grayshan with an unused parachute was found in a field in the morning. On 16/9 at 21:00 hours they were both buried in Holbæk cemetery by the Germans without ecclesiastical assistance.

Andrews landed safely but had pains in the groin from the parachute straps and was bleeding from his hands. He made contact to local people in the night and was shown to a house, but received no help from the people living there and continued to a smallholder’s house where he was treated for his wounds.


Propeller and engine




Chaderton landed safely and entered a nearby barn. He suffered from pains in the ribs and was bleeding from his head. He saw a woman in the house and approached her. She was chocked to see the bleeding flyer but took him to the doctor’s house in the nearby village Sønder Jernløse to see Doctor Schlippe. The doctor’s wife washed his wounds, gave him something to drink and called for an ambulance to take him to the hospital.
The ambulance arrived shortly, to pick up Chaderton and after a short drive the car stopped and also Andrews was picked up. They were taken to the hospital in Holbæk where they were treated for their wounds.
The Germans picked them up and took them to a Marine station where the were placed in the basement.
After two days they were taken to Fliegerhorts Værløse where Chaderton was taken to the Lazarett for treatment. After about a week they were sent to Dulag Luft at Oberursel for questioning. After a while they were sent to Stalag XIIID near Nürnberg. Soon after arrival they were sent on a march that would last two weeks before they ended up in Stalag VIIA Moosburg.
On 29/4 1945 they were liberated by American troops.

Maddock-Lyon landed in a field near Skovvejen and started walking. He soon met Smallholder Ejnar Næsholt Sørensen who took him to his farm. The flyer was washed and was laid to bed. Sørensen arranged for the local milkman Johannes Helms to pick Maddock-Lyon up in the evening, which he did at 18:00 hours. He took the flyer to his house at Havremarken and hid him inn the attic while arrangements were made for his further escape.
Friday morning Maddock-Lyon was guided by Helms to Tølløse and then by train to Charlottenlund where he was handed over to Syrach-Larsen who hid him in a small house next to his own house. The next day he was picked up by Paul Prom who took him to the apartment of Ege where the flyer was given a set of false ID- papers. The next couple of days were spent sightseeing København. On 19/2 he was taken to Havnegade and on board the Steamship “Carl” bound for Bornholm. When the steamship passed thru the Falsterbo Channel, Maddoch-Lyon was transferred to a pilot boat and sailed to Sweden.
He was taken to the British Embassy in Stockholm.

Mills landed in a three, and after having released himself from the parachute harness he walked towards Sdr. Asmindrup where he met with Vera, the wife of Blacksmith Karl Petersen. He was invited to their house, and since they had no English they called for Priest Johannesen to translate. Johannesen had underground connections and a false ID card was made up for Mills. He was now farmhand Hans Hansen. On Thursday Hill was taken to the railway station in Vipperød and on the train to Roskilde handed over to the next link who would take him to Head of school Nørfelt. Hill was given a bed in Nørfelt`s apartment. The next day the flyer boarded the train for København with Nørfelt and Christian Kirkegaard. They took him to the home of Richard Ege who would take care of the next step. On 17/2 he was taken to the harbour and shipped off to Sweden onboard the coaster “Clytia”. He landed in Varberg and was sent to a camp near Stockholm.
On 10/3-1945 he was back in England.

Petre landed safely and buried his chute in a small wood and started walking away from where he had landed. He knocked on the door at Smallholder Larsens farm and was let in. He was given milk, eggs and bacon and shown to the hayloft to sleep for the day. Larsen contacted member of the resistance Count Scheel who arranged for the flyers further transport. At noon Petre was picked up by a taxi and taken to Roskilde where he was housed in a summer house at Roskilde Fjord. The next day saw him in København, where he at Hotel Hafnia was handed over to two members of the resistance who much to his surprise took him on sightseeing in the town. After a day or two he was moved to another apartment where he spent the next nine days. On 28/2 he was shipped to Sweden onboard “Dagmar”.
On 7/3 he was back in England.


                                         (Via Rolf K. Larsen)

A memorial was inaugurated on 4/5 2005

Present were Horace Lesley Mills (Jimmy), James Petre (Jim) and Peter Frederick Andrews (Andy)


F/O John Graysham


Navigator F/Sgt Albert J. Berry




Sources: “Syv englændere I Danmark fortalt af de fem” by Dan C. Christensen, LBUK.


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