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P 51 D-10NA 44-14350 crashed near Søllested 12/3 1945.
The aircraft belonged to USAAF, 8 Air Force, 4 Fighter Group, 336 Fighter
T/O 09:00 Debden. OP: Bomber escort to Swinemünde
Over the island of Lolland Major John D. McFarlane`s P 51 developed a internal
glycol leak in the engine and left the formation to turn back. He ordered F/O
Donald P. Baugh to accompany him. Soon white vapout was trailing McFarlanes
aircraft and shortly after the engine quit while at 15.000 ft. MacFarlane stayed
in the P 51 until it was down to 6000 ft, then rolled the aircraft over on its
back and bailed out.
He landed safely and ran for cover. Baugh stayed at 3500 ft
and saw McFarlane land, and then set course for England. The time was 11:47
hours. The P 51 crashed near the church in the village of Søllerød on the island
of Lolland, and McFarlane landed about 100 metres away form the same village.
When McFarlane was still laying in the field a man bend over him and asked if he
was all right and if he could do anything to help. Shortly after a young man
arrived with a raincoat and a hat for the flyer. McFarlane put the coat and the
hat on and followed the Dane away from the place.
They saw two German soldiers
approaching and McFarlane hid in the woods while the Dane answered the soldiers
questions. After a couple of hours they arrived at what looked like a scout
camp. At 20:00 hours Erik Haagensen and wife arrived to take McFarlane to Farmer
Hans Larsen at Ryde.

(Via Finn Buch)
Major John D. McFarlane

(Via Helme)
McFarlanes false ID-card
After three days in Ryde McFarlane was taken to Maribo
where he stayed by Mrs. Dupont for six days before he was picked up by Gerhard
Krogh and taken to København where they arrived at 19:30 hours. They spend the
night by a family at Vesterbro. The next day they moved to the apartment of the
Svendsen family near the Fælledparken.

(Via Helme)
Sightseeing in København

(Via Helme)
Sightseeing in København
Krogh and McFarlane spent the days
walking around town and on 21/3 they witnesses the RAF Mosquito attack on the
Gestapo Headquater at the Shell house. They hurried to the place of the attack,
and less that an hour after the attack was finished they were there as
onlookers. On Sunday 25/3 McFarlane was taken to another house where he spent
the night before he on 26/3 was taken to the harbour where he met Captain Brown
who had come down in Denmark on 20/3.
At 17:00 together with three Danes they entered the cabin of a boat where they
stayed until the next morning at 05:30 hours when they were taken to the engine
room and hidden behind a false wall. Two Germans with dogs searched the ship but
found nothing due to the captain having spread Cocaine on the floor to disturb
the dogs smelling.
The ship left harbour and the fugitives was let out of their hiding and after a
couple of hours they were transferred to another boat and sailed to Sweden where
they arrived at 11:00 hours.
Sources: MACR, DFEV, LBUK.
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