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Mosquito FB VI NT123 ditched in Øresund 21/3 1945.
The aircraft belonged to RAF 487 Sqn. 2nd Tactical Air Force and was coded EG-Z.
T/O Fersfeld. OP: Shell house attack.
NT123 was hit by flak over København harbour and announced on the radio that it
would go to Sweden.
It was seen flying over the island of Hven at a very low level with smoke coming
from the left wing.
About two kilometers east southeast of Hakens lighthouse it
was seen to ditch. The crew was seen to crawl on top of the floating aircraft,
but due to heavy wind it was not possibly for the islanders to help the flyers
and shortly after the aircraft sunk and the flyers disappeared.
The wreckage has been located after the war, but there has been found no trace
of Pilot F/Lt David Victor Pattison and F/Sgt Frank Pygram.
Sources: FT, CWGC.
Attack on the Gestapo Headquarter
“Shell house” 21/3 1945
Mosquito FB VI SZ977 crashed København
21/3 1945
Mustang III HK460 crashed in
Fælledparken, København 21/3 1945
Mosquito FBIV RS609 ditched in the sea
of Kattegat 21/3 1945
Mosquito FB VI NT123 ditched in Øresund
21/3 1945
Mosquito FB VI SZ999 crashed in Nyrup
Bay 21/3 1945
Mustang III KH446 crash landed Lønborg
21/3 1945
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