Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
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1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Mosquito FB IV RS619 belly landed at Tandrup Mark 5/4-1945

The aircraft belonged to RAF 235 Sqn Costal Command and was coded LA-F.
T/o: Banff 14:20. OP: Anti Shipping in Kattegat southeast of the island of Anholt.

39 Mosquitos of Banff Strike Wing were escorted by 12 Mustangs of 19 Sqn. on an Anti Shipping Patrol in the sea of Kattegat.
At 17:12 hours they attacked the minesweeper M.902 and 3 motor vessels. 2 motor vessels were sunk and 1 was damaged.
During the attack one Mosquito hit the mast of a ship and crashed while one Mosquito was hit by flak and set course for Sweden.

On the return flight over Jylland the aircrafts were engaged by flak over Mors and had to take evasive action. RS619 was caught by the slip stream from one of the other low flying aircrafts and touched the ground. The left propeller and engine was damaged and at 17:45 hours RS619 had to belly land at Tandrup Mark.
Pilot P/O Raymond K. Harrington and Navigator F/S Albert E. Winwood were unharmed and set the Mosquito alight.

                            (Thisted Lokalarkiv)

Navigator F/S Albert E. Winwood and Pilot P/O Raymond K. Harrington

They got in contact with some farm hands who did not speak English. Soon the ammonition started exploding and they moved away from the aircraft and met Mrs. Lutzhoft who spoke English. She advised them to hide in a haystack a little distance away. This they did and in the evening Mrs. Lutzhoft brought them food. Later they were contacted by members of the resistance Richard Jensen and Ernfred Østergård who took the flyers to the churchyard of Bedsted where they waited while civilian clothes was brought for the flyers. In a cab driven by Peter Nielsen they were taken to his home in Skjoldbjerg. After a most velcome meal the flyers were taken to the house of Reverend Hans Dahl-Hansen where they slept until the next day.
Next they moved to the farm of Henry Christensen in Harring where they spent most of the night on the loft of a piggery, as Christensen had visitors in his house. Only when they had left could the flyers be brought into the house.
From the farm they were taken to Anna and Eigil Møller in Thisted where false ID-cards with photos of look alike were provided, Peter Nielsen then took them to “Markvardsens Hotel” in Nykøbing Mors. En route they were stopped by German sentries by the “Vildsund broen” bridge, but the new ID-cards got them through.
The next day they were photographed and provided with new ID-cards with their own pictures and moved to a garden house belonging to Niels Schmidt. In Nykøbing they were able to walk around freely and, among other things, watch the Germans cleaning their guns.
After about three days in Nykøbing Mors the journey continued to Aalborg by train via Hvalpsund. At the railway station in Aalborg they were met by Knud Nielsen who took them to the office of Svend Andersen and later to his home. Here they stayed for about eight days before they were driven to Strandby north of Frederikshavn by Carl Pedersen.
They were billeted for the night at the house of a teacher until they could be transferred to the fishing boat “Henny” FN 3 with Skipper Herluf Aaen. In mid Kattegat they transferred to a larger vessel with Skipper Andreas and sailed to Göteborg where they arrived on 24/4 1945.

They went to the Embassy in Stockholm and on 2/5 they arrived at Leuchars air base, Scotland in a Dakota.

Sources: LBUK, DFEV, AIR 27/1444, WO 208/3327, Harrington report via Thisted arkiv.


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