Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Stirling IV LJ645 shot down near Skæring on 23/4 1945.

The aircraft belonged to RAF 570 Sqn 38 Group Fighter Command and was coded E7-M.
T/o Rivenhall 20:20. OP: SOE to Tablejam 172 and 179.

The crew consisted of Pilot Flying Officer Geoff Adrian Mombrun, Flight Engineer Flight Sergeant John Herbert Hamilton, Navigator Flying Officer W.G.H. Hunt, Air Bomber Flight Sergeant Charles Flannigan, Wireless Operator Flight Sergeant Reginald Frank Rawling and Air Gunner Flight Sergeant Kenneth Ernest Johnson.
The Stirling was scheduled to drop supplies to the Danish resistance movement at Table Jam 172 near Vilsted to the south of Løgstør and Table Jam 179 which was located at Orting to the south of Odder.
The cargo consisted of 24 containers and 2 parcels.
By Aakrog north of Aarhus the Stirling was hit by flak and started to burn.
At 00:46 hours it hit some trees near Lystrup and crashed by Skæring.

                                      (Tage Dybkær)

Stirling IV LJ645

                         (Tage Dybkær)



The next morning Hamilton, Hunt and Johnson were found dead in the wreck.
On 30/41945 at 14:00 hours they were laid to rest in Aarhus Vestre cemetery.
Rawlins and Flannigan managed to get the pilot Mombrun out of the burning wreck, despite the fact that all three of them had suffered severe burns.
They were taken to the German Lazarett in Aarhus, where Mombrun was treated with blood transfusion and serum which was brought over from Aarhus Commune Hospital.
He was, however in to bad condition and died after a few days.


Pilot Flying Officer Geoff Adrian Mombrun


According to Commonwealth War Grave Commission he passed away on April 26 1945.
On May 10 he was placed in a common grave with approx. 100 German soldiers in Aarhus Vestre cemetery. A German chaplain performed the service.
The mistake was noticed and on 8/6 1945 Mombrun was transferred to his present grave at the location in the cemetery called “Englændergravene” (The English Graves).


Coffins of Pilot Flying Officer Geoff Adrian Mombrun and F/lt. Reginald J. Allen of B24 KK299













Above pictures from the funeral from Vestre Kirkegård, Aarhus

After the liberation Rawlins and Flannigan were transferred to Aarhus Commune Hospital where they stayed until 22/5, when they were taken back to England.


     (Aarhus newspaper)


Rawlins and Flannigan at the hospital.


Flannigan, Rawlins and Davey of Halifax JP336 visited Fligerhorst Tirstrup. Here with two resistance fighters.




Vati und Sohn




Note: It should be mentioned that in accordance with the notes from the Drop master in Jutland TJ179 was not active this night.
It seems that there had been a lack of communication between England and Denmark.
TJ172 did not receive anything on this night.

Sources: FAF, LBUK, AIR 27/2042+25/590+20/8280, CWGC.


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