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Heinkel 111H crash landed near Nymindegab 8/10 1939.
The aircraft belonged to 4./ KG 26 and was coded 1H+NM.
T/O 11:30 Lüneburg. OP: Anti shipping.
At approximately 17:30 hours it was noticed that six aircrafts of KG 26 were flying parallel
with the Danish west coast near Hvide Sande, when three of these turned east and
flew over the Jylland peninsular where one of them searched for a place to land
due to low fuel.
Somewhere between 16:30 and 17:00 hours it made a forced landing near Nymindegab
in a field belonging to the local Inn keeper.
The other two He 111`s continued on a southerly heading.

(Søværnets materielkommando)

(Via Torben Vinge Christensen)
Just after the landing, that ended in the Gøddelen channel, the crew set fire to
the Heinkel and the cockpit section as well as the left hand engine burned out.
The four man crew of Pilot Unteroffizier Fritz Waldauf, Flight engineer
Unteroffizier Erich Scheinert, Observer Unteroffizier Hermann Gutacker and W/Op
Oberfeldwebel Adolph Friedrich Düring were unharmed and walked a short distance
to a dune where they set fire to a number of papers. When the Danish police
arrived, the flyers were taken to the Nymindegab inn for questioning. After a
while they were taken to Varde where they were quartered at Hotel Varde under
police guard.
On 12/10 they were taken to Viborg and interned in the barracks of the Danish
army until 4/11-39 when they were moved to Hald near Viborg.
Here they stayed
until Denmark was occupied by the Germans on 9/4 1940.
Sources: UA, Cockpit 2/97, RL 2 III/184, Vestkysten newspaper.
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