Operation Weserübung.
On 9/4 1940 the Wehrmacht launched the invasion of Denmark and Norway known as
operation “Weserübung”. They needed the Danish airfields to be able to reach
Norway by aeroplane. The airfields in Jylland were taken without bloodshed while
at Værløse airfield near København a Danish Fokker 3R was claimed by Hauptman
Wolfgang Falck of Stab I./ZG 76.
The Luftwaffe lost a number of aircrafts due to accidents and due to weather.
Apart from those below, a number of aircrafts landed in fields due to lack of
fuel, but were able to take off again after having been re fuelled.
There are known to have landed Ju 52`s in places like Silkeborg, Hygum near
Harboør, Vust, Kørup on the island of Fyn and near Vust.
It is not known to which squadrons they belonged and they are not discussed
Operation Weserübung:
Bf 110 landed at Skejby Mark near Aarhus 9/4 1940
Ju 52 crashed south of Tarm 9/4 1940
Ju 52 6770 crashed at Aalborg 9/4 1940
Ju 52 6758 damaged at Aalborg 9/4 1940
Bf 110C crashed in the North Sea 9/4 1940
JU 52 crashed at Aalborg 9/4 1940
Ju 52 crashed into the North Sea 9/4 1940
JU 52 landed near Hemmet 9/4 1940
JU 52 damaged at Aalborg 9/4 1940
Ju 52 serial number 3500 had landing accident at
Aalborg Ost 9/4 1940
Ju 52 serial number 6113 had landing accident at
Aalborg Ost 9/4 1940
Ju 52 serial number 5504 had landing accident at
Aalborg Ost 9/4 1940
Ju 88A-1 crashed into the sea of Skagerak 9/4 1940
Ju 52 serial number 5692 had engine fire at Aalborg
9/4 1940
JU 52 serial number 6279 crash landed Aalborg Ost
9/4 1940
Ju 52 had landing accident at Aalborg Ost 9/4 1940
Ju 52 crash landed near Sønder Hygum 9/4 1940
Ju 52 serial number 6362 had landing accident at
Aalborg Ost 9/4 1940
Ju 52 serial number 5794 crash landed at Vester
Lindet 9/4 1940
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