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Two Hs 126 collided near Aalborg Ost 20/4 1940.
The aircrafts both belonged to Aufkl. St. 2 (H) / Tannenberg and were coded ?
T/o Aalborg Op: Training ?
The two Hs 126 collided near Aalborg Ost and crashed into the Limfjord with the
loss of Pilot Gefreiter Matthias Memmesheimer, Navigator Leutnant Werner Kleidt,
Pilot Leutnant Georg Ehlers and Navigator Leutnant Heinz Karbowski.
The aircrafts and the crew were retrieved from the fjord by the German marine
and the wrecks were brought to Aalborg harbour.
Ehlers and Memmesheimer were laid to rest in Lindholm cemetery on 22/4 1940
while Kleidt was laid to rest in the same cemetery on 25/4 1940. In all three
cases the German reverend Götler of Emden was officiating at the graveside
In the late sixties the flyers were transfered to Grove cemetery.
It is not known if the body of Karbowski who belonged to the German army was
actually found and if so, where he was laid to rest.
The ceremony on 22/4 1940
Sources: WASt, RL 2 III/884, JJ, Lindholm cemetery protocol.
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