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Bf 109 serial number 428 crashed near Varde 26/2 1942.
The aircraft belonged to 4./ Jagdfliegerschule 4 and was coded ?
T/o Esbjerg. Op: Training.
Student Pilot Unteroffizier Erich Misch was piloting serial number 428 when it
during a turn hit the tail of the leading BF 109 serial number 490 and cut its
tail off.
Serial number 428 continued towards north and hit the ground on the south side
of Rovstvej between Hedegaard farm and Skovgaard farm at 14:30 hours. It skidded
across the road and ended up about 15 metres north of the road in a field belonging to Hedegaard farm.
Erich Misch had tried to bail out but apparently he got stuck as he was seen on
the wing when the aircraft crashed. Misch was brought to the morgue in Esbjerg
and was laid to rest in Esbjerg Fovrfelt cemetery on 2/3 1942.

Sources: LBUK, RL 2 III/772, WASt, T-501
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