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Bf 109D serial number 2684 collided with Bf 109 near
Haderup 27/7 1942.
The aircraft belonged to Jagdgruppe Drontheim (Jagdfl. Schule 3) and was coded ?
T/o Grove. Op: Training.
While training dog fight over Haderis Bf 109D 2684 was attacked by Bf 109 serial
number 2225.
2684 was flying in a westerly direction while 2225 attacked from the north. For
reasons unknown the propeller of 2225 hit the radio antenna and the canopy of
2684 killing Student pilot Unteroffizier Robert Krizon. The pilot of 2225
managed to bail out and land safely in his parachute while Krizon crashed at
08:10 hours with his aircraft in the heath one kilometre southwest of Haderup.
The aircraft caught fire and was a 100% loss.
Unteroffizier Robert Krizon was laid to rest in Fovrfelt cemetery in Esbjerg on
29/7 1942.

Note: It should be noted that the Bf 109 by Luftflotte 5 is recorded as
belonging to IV/ JG 5.
The left hand canopy sliding window panel was found at Baunehøj just south of
Haderis and served for many years after the war as a window in a local stable.
Sources: RL 2 III/761+1182, Børge Sørensen of Haderup, BE, LBUK.
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