Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Ju 88A-5 serial number 5181 crashed near Aalborg 8/9 1942.

The aircraft belonged to 12./ KG 30 and was coded 4D+HX.
T/o Aalborg. Op: Training.

The Ju 88 was training night landings at Fliegerhorst Aalborg West when it seems to have attempted an emergency landing in a field belonging to Skovbogaard farm near Nørholm west of Aalborg shortly after 22:00 hours.
It touched down east of a country road and crossed it before finally exploding killing the crew of four.

Pilot Unteroffizier Franz Puspischil, Navigator Obergefreiter Kurt Schlummer, Wop Unteroffizier Helmut Pfeffer and Air gunner Obergefreiter Otto Nittmann were all laid to rest in Frederikshavn cemetery on 11/9 1942.


     (Martin Toft Madsen)


     (Martin Toft Madsen)


     (Martin Toft Madsen)


     (Martin Toft Madsen)


     (Flemming Hansen)


      (Flemming Hansen)


      (Flemming Hansen)


Sources: RL 2 III/763+1183, LBUK, BF.


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