Ju 88A-5 serial number 8042 crashed near Sejlflod 18/11
The aircraft belonged to IV/ KG 30 and was coded 4D+BV and was carrying the
number 51 for identification purpose during training.
T/o Aalborg. Op: Training.
A little before 11:00 hours the JU 88 was observed circling Sejlflod when one
engine bust into flames and the Ju 88 crashed into Kirkebakken hill just south
of the village of Sejlflod.
Only the Wop managed to bail out and land safely in his parachute.
Navigator Gefreiter Alfred Weber was thrown out of the aircraft when the JU 88
hit the ground and was found severely mutilated next to the burning wreckage
while the charred remains of Pilot Unteroffizier Johann Freese and Air gunner
Unteroffizier Ernst Stock were found in the wreckage when the fire had burned
They were all laid to rest in Frederikshavn cemetery on 21/11 1942.
The JU 88 was a 100% loss.

(Sejlflod Lokalarkiv via Martin Holm)

(Sejlflod Lokalarkiv via Martin Holm)

(Alfred Passan via Thomas Zinck)
Navigator Gefreiter Alfred Weber

(Ulrich Weber)
Navigator Gefreiter Alfred Weber

(Ulrich Weber)

(Flemming Hansen)

(Flemming Hansen)
Sources: LBUK, BF, KF, RL 2 III/ 64+1184.
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