Airwar over Denmark

Airwar over Denmark

 By Søren C. Flensted


1939-1940 Updated 19/10-24
1941 Updated 28/4-22
1942 Updated 14/7-24
1943 Updated 15/4-24
1944 Updated 20/11-24
1945 Updated 4/12-22

1940 New 30/11-23
1941 New 23/7-21
1942 Updated 24/7-24
1943 Updated 28/1-23
1944 Updated 23/7-23
1945 Updated 16/7-23

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Kl 35D serial number 2032 crashed near Oddesund 26/9 1943.

The aircraft belonged to Ld.Kdo.65 and was coded BG+SN.
T/o Rom. Op: Target for flak.

The Kl 35 had for some time been flying over the Oddesund bridge and Oddesund when it at 10:30 hours crashed into a uninhabited small house at Oddesund South belonging to Colstrup & Andersen of Holstebro. The Kl 35 and the house caught fire.

The first to reach the burning wreckage were members of the Wehrmacht who pulled the crew of two from the wreck. Obergefreiter Helmut Gries  was found dead while Pilot Obergefreiter Friedrich Beran was severely wounded and suffered from a broken skull, damage to the brain, a broken upper arm and other wounds along with burns. He was taken to the hospital in Lemvig by the Wehrmacht, but died a few hours after arrival.

When the Wehrmacht had pulled the crew from the wreck they left the house to burn and the local police called for the fire brigade from Lemvig to extinguish the fire.

A Field Priest officiated at the graveside ceremony when they were laid to rest in Lemvig cemetery on 1/10 1943.





Sources: LBUK, WASt, RL 2 III/776, BL, KLe, Lemvig police report, Sygehusberetninger for 1943, Ringkøbings Amtsråd.



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