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JU 52 emergency landed near Sulsted 13/3 1945.
The aircraft belonged to 5./ MSG 1 and was coded ?
T/o ? Op: Mine sweeping.
Three JU 52 were heading for Fliegerhorst Aalborg West when they encountered
heavy fog. One Ju 52 landed at Fliegerhorst Aalborg Ost and one crashed at
Fliegerhorst Aalborg West.
One emergency landed about two kilometres west of Sulsted at approx. 20:00 hrs.
The aircraft was heard approaching from a southerly direction. It passed between
the farm of Aage Aaen and Kærgaard farm. It hit and broke a few electrical
pylons and tore down the electrical wires thus leaving the whole area in
The crew of five including Air gunner Unteroffizier Vorwerk were unharmed.
Sources: LBUK, Vorwerk via Jørn Junker.
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